
Archives for November 2014

Best Method To Get More Customers, Clients or Patients? No Cost; No Risk

Here are two methods to help you get more customers, clients or patients.

Method one costs money & carries risk; while, the other method has no cost or risk attached.

Method 1:

Spend additional funds on marketing & advertising to generate new leads.


Costs money & there is no guarantee that you will get a decent ROI so, that means that this method carries unnecessary risk.

Method 2:

Optimize what you are already doing.

  • No extra cost
  • No risk
  • Small amount of time commitment
  • Small amount of effort

The Facts:

Your already spending money to generate your leads in some capacity.


Print ads, PPC ads, Yellow Pages, Telemarketing etc.
&/or maybe you’re getting some of  your leads from word of mouth marketing

It does not matter how you get your leads; paid or free, the fact is whatever you’re process is doing it can be improved.

Example: Improving Print Ads:

Print ads: To generate more leads you could change the headline, the sub head; the offer, the guarantee, you could offer bonuses etc. You could move your ad to a different category in the print media, the right page or left page, top or bottom of the page, your could ask for your ad to be put next to a particular article in the media. You could even change the media you are displaying your ad in. You could even test & change the personalized script that is used when they contact your business.

The $64,000 question is do you think you could get a 5 to 10 percent increase in the number of prospects the ad generates; if you and your team worked & tested the ad for a whole month?
If you were getting 100 leads a month from one print ad & you got a 10 percent increase; this would mean you are now getting 110 prospects a month or 120 extra prospects a year.
What would be the result if you were running multiple ads in the same or different media?
How many more prospects would you get monthly if you optimized all your lead generating elements?
Now think about; what would happen if you optimized every sub process in your business?
Example Sub processes you could optimize:

  • Your lead generation
  • Your conversion rate
  • Your upsell/cross-sell
  • Follow up systems
  • Repeat sales
  • Referral programs
  • Lost customer reactivation
  • Profiting from unconverted leads
  • etc.

If you want more customers, clients or patients I recommend method two, optimize what you’re already doing. Then once you have optimized all your processes you can think about investing money in method one. You can use the money generated from method 2 optimization to fund new revenue streams to generate more leads.


Shoot me an email for more information at: info@marketingwizards.ca