
Archives for May 2018

How To Increase Email Open Rates For More Sales

Three simple reasons Why emails Don’t  Work explained!

Brought to you by the Unconverted leads conversion system.

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How Can You Turn MORE of Your New Opt-Ins Into Buyers?

Simple: Get more emails open; if you send out 100 emails & only 25 open & read the email what about the other 75 email recipients?

If you want to convert more subscribers to buyers then you need to understand the 3 reasons your email don’t work! (or only partially work)

The three main reasons why your emails don’t work are:

  1. They DON’T know me or can’t remember me?
  2. The email doesn’t get opened
  3. The reader does not take the desired action

i.e.  They don’t:

  • Click the link
  • Download the pdf…
  • Call you…

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Reason #1: Do they or don’t they know me?
If they know, like & trust me they are more likely to open my email. (NOT Guaranteed)

They might not know me because:

  • they don’t know me (because I sent a prospecting email)
  • they forgot who I am  (I email infrequently)
  • they can’t remember joining my list (Contest entry, a JV giveaway…)

Either way, they are predisposed to ignore emails from people they don’t know, forgot, don’t get much value from, don’t like or don’t trust. That means, you must make every effort to work on Reason 2: The emails don’t get opened & get them opened.

You can’t tackle Reason 3: They don’t take the desired action until you resolve Reason 2: Why my emails don’t get opened

You can’t visit a website or download a PDF; if you never opened the email.

Reason 2: Why my emails don’t get opened

How do I get them to open my emails?

To get them to open the email I need to understand the two most important elements of an email

  1. The Subject line
  2. The first sentence of the email

The only 3 things an email recipient sees before (s)he decides to open it or NOT are:

  1. From line
  2. Subject line
  3. First sentence

We covered the “From line” already.

The next elements we need to examine is The Subject line & The first sentence of the email

The subject line must get their attention!
 subject: biz-owner-name, a question about your online reviews

If you are a business owner who cares about his online reputation would an email with a subject line about your online reviews grab your attention?

If you’re over 55 with failing eyesight would this subject line grab your attention?

subject: Take this to improve your eyesight & slow down vision degeneration

Can you see how a powerful subject line will get the reader’s ATTENTION?

The next sub-element to fix from Reason 2: Why my emails don’t get opened is the “First sentence”
Is this your bad Yelp review?
If your 55 or older I don’t need to tell you; your vision is fading fast but a new…

Can you see the power of the subject line & the first sentence working together to create curiosity in the reader mind?
              Subject: biz-owner-name, a question about your online reviews
First Sentence: Is this your bad Yelp review?

If you were the business owner would you open this email?

Reason #3: The reader does not take the desired action
After you improve your open rate; you need to work on getting the reader to take the desired action.

The rest of the content of the email has to be congruent with the subject line & first sentence.

The content must create curiosity & motivate the reader to take the desired outcome by promising them a result they want.

You can also use mechanisms like urgency & scarcity to motivate the click.

If we think about the subject line & first sentence in the online review example above & the content of the rest of the email sold you on the merits of a short video that educated you on how to respond to bad reviews & position you as a caring, professional business would you click the link & watch the video?

Now you know the three main reasons why your emails don’t work as well as they could:

  1. They don’t know me or they might not remember me
  2. The email doesn’t get opened
  3. The reader does not take the desired action

Don’t spend more money on advertising until you improve your email open rates

Three things to think about:

  1. If I click the link below I will get my open rates increased?
  2. If I click the link below I will get higher click-through rate?
  3. If I click the link below I will get more sales?

learn about how unconverted leads 2 buyers campaign