
Archives for March 2014

11 Rules of Effective Email Content and Subject Writing for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign


Email Marketing is very effective. And yet it is still the most underutilized Digital Marketing Activity. Considering that fact that ROI for every dollar spent on Email marketing is about 42 Dollars. There is no reason for not doing it.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to put some though and effort in the Email Text and Subject line. You might need to experiment with a few different variations of your Email Subject line and the Text. And also different Subject on different Day of the week. The Subject that can get you the max readers can be different on the weekends than on weekdays or Friday Afternoon. The email list with business email ids should have different Email Subject Line. The Email Text and Subject should also very by the overall Demographics of the email list.

Here are some rules to make your Emails effective:

1. Short Subject – Keep it 6-8 words and avoid the Hello and Thanks kind of words.

2. Place Important words in the beginning – Remember a lot of emails are actually read on Smartphones.

3. Be very clear and Specific – People dont spend more than 2 seconds reading your subject. So the more your can make it easy for them to understand you the better.

4. Dont Capitalize words – Just Grow up.

5. If there is a personal reference be sure to include it – It will make sure that your email is not ignored in any case.

6. Search Awareness – Use keywords to make sure that your email is searchable

7. Make it look human written rather than the Machine written Bulk emails.

8. Aviod using “Grow by 300%” and “Unlimited Returns” kind of subjects. People know they are so good to be true and they will just delete your emails.

9. Include a link that people could click to Unsubscribe themselves, a link to the Web Version of the email if you are including images and another interesting link that provides then more details.

10. Track how many people actually read your emails. There are various ways you can track this. Just contact us we can help you with that.

11. Remember to Experiment! Failures are great because then you will know what gets you the max readers.