
Smartphone Marketing

Tablets Are Becoming More Important Than Smartphones For Online Shopping


This year will mark a major milestone for tablets and their influence on Internet retailers. We believe tablets will draw even with smartphones,and account for 50% of the total value of U.S. retail sales made over mobile devices.How is it that tablets are beginning to overtake the smartphone for retail, despite the fact that there are fewer tablets than smartphones in consumer hands? It turns out tablets are perfect devices for”lean-back,” or power shopping sessions. Their large screens make it easy to pinch-to-zoom for detailed product views, browse the Web, and search. Average order values, retail traffic, and conversion rates are higher on tablets, helping them punch above their weight class.
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Six common mistakes on Mobile Website Optimization

1. Flash based content. Flash does not work on a lot of mobile devices esp the Iphones. Make sure that the Videos are not flash based. Use HTML 5 tags.

2. Slow Page Load Times. Making your mobile pages load faster involves making sure that content above the fold is rendered in such a way that external JavaScript and CSS are not blocked. Bryan McQuad, does an excellent job describing how you can Make Your Mobile Pages Render in Under One Second.

3. Broken URLs are the worst. Test your website

4. Avoid Popups. Popups are very annoying and an average user usually complaints about them. Yet they are high effective for the Desktop websites. But you must avoid them for smartphones for sure. Because of the small screens and still not the most perfect touch interface, popups can make users leave your website altogether.

5. Avoid separate mobile website instead use the responsive website. This is also great for your SEO.

6. Easy to share URL links.

7. Avoid Small difficult to read font.

8. Dont use Images that dont look great on Mobile.

9. Make sure that the links and buttons Thumb friendly.

10. Most important is make sure that your phone number is clearly visible and can be dialed with one click. Very funny thing is that businesses who have spent thousands on developing the mobile version of their website (m.website.com), even they dont have their phone number visible on their mobile sites. Why would that be – dont you want your customers to call you?

SEO Guide to Optimizing your Mobile Sites – 1

Is your site optimized for mobile?

There are two ways to doing this. One is a responsive website that auto adjusts to the user’s screen. Second meathod is to look at the Users Browser Agent and redirect him to a Desktop version of the website or the Mobile version of the website.

There are advantages/ disadvantages of the either approach:

Responsive website:

Disadvantage – More testing required for each update to the website.
Advantage – Better for SEO as your page hit count is not divided
Advantage – Easier for users to share. As same url works everywhere. And less chances of a URL not working

Mobile-Version Website:

Advantage – Different Web development teams can focus on their own work. One for Desktop and one for Mobile
Advantage – Traditional Approach where users see limited content on the mobile website and full content on the desktop website
Disadvantage – Very bad for SEO as the page rank can be impacted because of the division of Page Hits
Disadvantage- Complicated for users to share urls. And difficult for webmasters to manage content on two different urls. High chances of urls getting broken.

Summary: It is better to go with the responsive designs even though it means more testing. The release of Google Hummingbird stresses the importance for companies to create more compelling and useful content.Hummingbird algorithm has shifted Google’s search infrastructure to being a more natural search.

Hummingbird shifts search marketing from being keywords-based to being queries-based. Companies need to use more long-tail keywords as opposed to keywords. Long-tail keywords are phrases or a combination of keywords that people are searching for. Instead of searching for “Las Vegas”, visitors may be searching “Where to stay at Las Vegas”, “Where to go in Las Vegas” . When combined, these keywords are more powerful than just “Las Vegas”.

Mobile Advertising Ecosystem

The Mobile Advertising Ecosystem


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